14th October
New Review on precursors in FEBID ProcessesIn this collaboration with Michael Huth, we are trying to bridge the more chemical oriented experiments reported in literature with the actual FEBID process in order to entangle the complex process on the surface. This overview should provide a didactive introduction in the field and some inspiration for the design of new precursors, while being supportive to practitioners in the field. The paper is entitled "Precursors for Direct-Write Nanofabrication with Electrons" and will be published in the Journal of Materials Chemistry C. The review can be downloaded here. |
23rd June
Paper published in IOP's NanotechnologyA collaborative paper with A. Lugstein's group the electric behaviour of very thing Ge NWs has been acceped for publication in IOP's journal Nanotechnology. The paper is entitled "Ge Quantum Wire Memristor" and can be downloaded here. |
1st April
Review published in Chemistry of MaterialsA rather extensive review on "metastable group IV nanostructures" has been published in Chemistry of Materials. The comprehensive literature survey compares different approaches and the materials obtained. Our paper can be downloaded here:Metastable Group IV Allotropes and Solid Solutions: Nanoparticles and Nanowires |
25 December
New Paper published in MircomachinesA paper has been published in Michromachines during the christmas period. The study is entitled: “Temperature-Dependent Growth Characteristics of Nb- and CoFe-Based Nanostructures by Direct-Write Using Focused Electron Beam-Induced Deposition" |
9th December
MRS Fall MeetingSven gave a talkat the MRS Fall Meeting in Boston. In addition, the conference was a welcome chance to catch up with some long time friends and collaborators from Austria, Germany, Spain etc.. For instance, the Lugstein group including Alois, Masiar and Max posing for a joint picture.![]() |
6th November
Talk at Leipzig UniversitySven gave a talk in the inorganic chemistry colloquium presenting results on synthesis of nanoscaled materials under non-equilibrium conditions. |
16th October
Paper published in Appl. Phys. Lett.A collaborative paper with A. Lugstein's group on Al exchange and plasmonics in Al NWs has been published in APL. The paper is entitled: 'Nanoscale aluminum plasmonic waveguide with monolithically integrated germanium detector' |
23th September
Invited Talk at the "Nanowire Week 19"Sven will give an invited talk at the Nanowire Week 19 in Pisa. Looking forward to meet many colleagues working in this field and to attend intersisting/inspiring lectures. Sven will talk about "Ge-based Nanowires with Metastable Composition: Hyper-Doping and Alloy Formation" |
Michael joins K. Dick's group at Lund UniversityMichael Seifner will start his postdoc in Kimberly Dick-Thelander's group. We wish him all the best for his endevour in Sweden. Looking forward to future papers dedicated to in situ TEM investigations. |
8th July
2nd Paper in 2019 accepted for publication in ACS NANOOur latest paper on the growth and characterisation of GeSn NWs entitled "Epitaxial Ge0.81Sn0.19 Nanowires as Nanoscale Mid-Infrared Emitters" has been accepted for publication in ACS Nano. An excellent collaborative effort with J.E.M. Haverkort's group. Congratulation to Michael as first author! |
3rd May
New Paper accepted in ACS NANOA collaborative paper with Michael Huth's group has been accepted for publication in ACS Nano. A study on 3D writing of superconducting material. The paper can be downloaded here:“Crystalline niobium carbide superconducting nanowires prepared by focused ion beam direct writing” |
2nd May
New Paper published: Crystal Growth & DesignOur latest paper on Ga incorporation in Ge nanowires dependent on the growth conditions has been published in ACS's journal Crystal Growth & Design. Another great collaborative effort with A. Lugstein's group. The paper can be downloaded here:"Drastic Changes in Material Composition and Electrical Properties of Gallium-seeded Germanium Nanowires” |
We will relocate to Frankfurt soonWe have been successful in aquiring funding from the DFG. Sven has been accepted for funding in the frame of the "Heisenberg Programme". In addition, Felix Jungwirth will continue working in the group and start as a PhD student. We are looking forward to close collaboration with M. Huth's group and other groups with interest in similar topics. It is a pleasure to work in this highly interdisciplinary field of materials chemistry/science. |
9th January
New Paper accepted in Sensors & ActuatorsExcellent start of the new year. A collaborative paper with several groups contributing "Electron Beam Lithography for contacting single nanowires on non-flat suspended substrates" has been accepted for publication in Sensors & Actuators B. The study was led by our long term collaboration partner A. Romano-Rodiguez.The paper can be downloaded here: Link to the Paper |
26th-30th November
MRS Fall Meeting in BostonSven and Michael presented our work on metastable Ge-based materials in two talks during the week. We had a very good time of scientific exchange with colleagues in the field. Moreover, former MSc student Lukas Hrachowina gave an interesting talk related to his work on single nanowire PV conducted in Lund. The MRS meeting was a great platform to chat with active and new collaborators and also good friends from different parts of the world.![]() |
25th October
New Paper published in NanoscaleOur latest paper on metastable GeSn alloy nanostructures was published in RSC's journal Nanoscale. The electronic properties of NWs have been investigated in close collaboration with A. Lugstein's group.The paper is entitled: 'Electrical Characterization and Examination of Temperature-Induced Degradation of Metastable Ge0.81Sn0.19 Nanowires' |
1st October
Move to Stuttgart (interim Professorship)Sven started an interim professorship for "Chemical Material Synthesis" at Stuttgart University (Inst. of Materials Science). |
31th August
New Paper accepted in J. Appl. Phys. DA collaborative paper with Michael Huth's group from Frankfurt has been accepted for publication in J. Appl. Phys. D.The paper is entitled: 'Binary Mn-Si nanostructures prepared by focused electron beam induced deposition from the precursor SiH3Mn(CO)5'. |
4th July
E-MRS Graduate Student Award highlighted on TU Wien homepageMichael S. Seifner won a Graduate Student Award from the European Materials Society (E-MRS) for his work on metastable, Ge-based semiconductor material.The two awards to TU students (a second one received our close collaborator M. Sistani from the Inst. of Solid State Electronics) have been highlighted here ![]() |
20th June
Paper accepted in ACS Applied Nano MaterialsA collaborative paper with Ivo Utke's group from EMPA in Switzerland has been accepted for publication. The paper entitled ´Magneto-electrical transport improvements of postgrowth annealed iron-cobalt nanocomposites: a possible route for future room-temperature spintronics´ can be downloaded here:Link to the paper |
19th June
Invited Lecture at E-MRS ConferenceMichael gave an invited lecture on "Upper Limits of Sn Incorporation in Anisotropic Ge1-xSnx Nanostructures" at the E-MRS conference in Strasbourg, France. |
5th June
Invited Lecture at CIMTEC ConferenceSven gave an invited lecture on "Low-temperature Synthesis of Metastable Materials with Anisotropic Morphology" and chaired a session at the CIMTEC conference in Perugia, Italy. |
30th May
Institute Seminar Contribution ("Focus Materials Chemistry")Ivan Zivadinovic presented the results of his MSc project on temperature-dependence on Ga-supported Ge nanowire growth. |
2nd May
New Paper published in Chemical MonthlyOur paper entitled "Solution-based Low Temperature Synthesis of Germanium Nanorods and Nanowires" has been accepted for publication in Monatshefte für Chemie- Chemical Monthly. Link to the paper |
18th April
Paper online in Scientific ReportsA collaborative paper with Michael Huth's group from Goethe-University Frankfurt has been published. The paper entitled ´Direct-write of free-form building blocks for artificial magnetic 3D lattices´ can be downloaded here:Link to the paper |
07th March 2018
Seminar at the Ångström LaboratoriesSven gave a talk in the inorganic chemistry seminar series entitled: "Metalorganic Precursors in Material Synthesis: From Hyperdoping and Metastable Materials Composition to Integration Issues"Very interesting to see the facilities and to chat with Swedish colleagues. Many thanks to Gunnar Westin and Mats Bomann for the invitation. |
06th March 2018
Our Research on Metastable Materials HighlightedA general description / layman summary of our latest two articles on Ga and Sn incorporation in Ge has been published on several platforms:TU Wien Presseaussendung: Nanostrukturen aus bisher unmöglichem Material Zeitschriftenartikel in "der standard": Neue Methode verhilft zu bisher unmöglichem Material Des Weiteren auf folgenden Internetportalen: Chemie.de ; myscience.at ; pro-physik.de ; ScienceDaily.com ; eurekalert.org ; phys.org ; tu-austria.at ; moneycab.com ; extremnews.com ; ![]() ![]() |
27th February 2018
New Paper accepted in ACS SensorsOur paper entitled "Site-specific growth and in situ integration of different nanowire material networks on a single chip: towards a nanowire-based electronic nose for gas detection" has been accepted for publication in ACS Sensors.The paper can be downloaded here: Link to the Paper |
27th February 2018
Paper published in ACS NanoOur paper entitled "Direct Synthesis of Hyperdoped Germanium Nanowires" has been published in ACS Nano. The article is open access.![]() |
14th February 2018
Paper online in Beilstein J. Nanotechnol.A collaborative paper with with colleagues from Goethe University Frankfurt, Johns Hopkins University and University of Iceland has been published in Beilstein J. Nanotechnol.. The paper entitled "Electron interactions with the heteronuclear carbonyl precursor H2FeRu3(CO)13 and comparison with HFeCo3(CO)12: from fundamental gas phase and surface science studies to focused electron beam induced deposition" can be downloaded here: Link to the Paper |
8th February 2018
Paper online in JPC CA collaborative paper with colleagues of Johns Hopkins University and University of Iceland has been published in Journal of Physical Chemistry. The paper entitled "Electron Induced Surface Reactions of HFeCo3(CO)12, a Bimetallic Precursor for Focused Electron Beam Induced Deposition (FEBID)" can be downloaded here: Link to the PaperThe study was highlighted on the COVER ![]() |
8th February 2018
Award ceremony highlighted in Nachrichten aus der ChemieMichael Seifner received the certificate for his "Diploma Thesis Award" from the GÖCH at the Chemietage Meeting in Salzburg (26.09.2017). All in all an interesting meeting with this bonus for Michael. |
26. Nov.- 01. Dec 2017
5 Contributions at MRS Fall Meeting 2017 in BostonMichael presented a talk on GeSn alloy growth and thermal behaviour. In addition, Sven gave three talks related to low temperature growth of metastable Ge-based semiconductors and nanowire-based sensors.Moreover, Sven presented our research on "Direct Deposition of Nanowires for Environmental Monitoring" in a student sympossium "International Summit of the MRS University Chapters on Sustainability and Nanotechnology”. ![]() |
7th November 2017
New Paper OnlineOur study on the growth and thermal stability of Ge/Sn nanorods entitled "Pushing the composition limit of anisotropic Ge1−xSnx nanostructures and determination of their thermal stability" has been published in Chemistry of Materials. Well done to Michael and the other co-authors. Link to the paper |
26th September 2017
Best MSc thesis AwardMichael received an award from the Austrian Chemical Society (GÖCH) for his outstanding MSc thesis. Well done Michael! |