Inorganic Materials Chemistry

From Precursor Synthesis to Advanced Materials


24th June

Paper accepted: RSC Nanoscale

Check out our paper illustrating electron-induced oxidation leading to a nanoscale phase separation. The process facilitates the formation of a bilayer structure in a spatailly confinced surface-near volume. The paper is entitled: "Nanoscale, surface-confined phase separation by electron beam induced oxidation".

2nd April

Welcome Alba Salvador-Porroche

Alba joins our group as postdoc working on FEBID and FIBID using new molecular sources. We are certain that her stay will be very productive. She obtained her PhD at University of Zaragoza working in teh Group of Jose Maria de Teresa.  

7th March

Paper published: Nature Communications

We are happy to be co-authors of a great paper describing the characterization of magnetism in 3D-FEBID Co3Fe wire-frame structures, which was finally accepted for publication in Nature Communications.  The paper is entitled:."Three-Dimensional Magnetic Nanotextures with High-Order Vorticity in Soft Magnetic Wireframes  "  

5th March

Lecture at the physics department of TU Wien  

Sven gave an seminar on "Charged Particle Induced Nanoprinting" at the institute of physics of TU Wien. It was a pleasure to interact with a very interested crowd of people with diverse backgrounds. Special thanks to Prof. Amalio Pacheco and his group for the invitation and the introducion to their unique MOKE systems.  

1st February

Paper published: J. Phys. Chem. C

Check out our paper comparing charged particle induced nanoprinting by FEBID and FIBID with thermal conversion by CVD techniques. Felix Jungwirth's 4th paper as a first author (total of 10 papers) showcasing his incresible work during his PhD. Moreover, it was a pleasure to collaborate with Prof. De Teresa and Alba Salvador-Porroche, who will join us soon as a postdoc in the near future. The paper is entitled:."Gas Phase Synthesis of Iron Silicide Nanostructures using a Single-Source Precursor: Comparing Direct-Write Processing and Thermal Conversion "  


15th January

Lecture at Stuttgart University  

Sven gave an invited lecture as part of the materials science lecture series at Stuttgart University. The talk focused on chemical insight in the electron-induced nanoprinting techniques. Many thanks to Oliver Clemens and his group for the invitation.

11th January

GDCH-Lecture at University of Konstanz

Sven gave an invited lecture in the chemistry department at the University of Konstanz. The talk was part of the local lecture series supported by the German Chemical Society (GDCH) and illustrated chemical insight in the electron-induced nanoprinting techniques. In addition, Sven particularly enjoyed the well organized and highly interesting discussions with colleagues and the casual meeting afterwards.

04th-07th Sept

Euromat 2023 in Frankfurt

Sven organised a sympossium and was active a session chair at the conference. In addition, Nicolas presented our results on metal silicide single source precursors for FEBID and FIBID. He did a great job presenting for the first time at an international conference.
We also met our long term collaborators Masiar Sistani, and Raphael Behrle from TU Wien and former group member Michael Seifner currently working at DTU.

Aug / Sept

 Research visit in Zaragoza 

Sven gave a talk on our present efforts in the direct-write methods at the Universiyt of Zaragoza and visited Prof. J.M. de Teresa's group. Looking forward to future collaboration. Nice view at the tram station.

17th May

 FEBIP Meeting 2024 in Frankfurt 

Sven and the Institute of Physics will organize and host the 2024 FEBIP Meeting. We will keep you posted on the date and any news related to this event.

16th May

Great honor: Sven to become a member of the FEBIP steering board 

Sven has been invited and accepted to join the Scientific Panel of the new international FEBIP Steering Committee.

26th April

GDCH sponsored Seminar at Friedrich Schiller University Jena   

Sven gave a talk in the frame of GDCH seminars at Friedrich Schiller University Jena.  The topics included an introduction of the FEBID process and related precursor research  as well as the synthesis of metastable semiconductor materials.

8th April

3 talks at MRS Spring Meeting in Boston

Sven will give one talk on metatstable group IV semiconductors and two on FEBID-related topics. Looking forward to great meeting and exciting talks.

29th March

New Paper published in Nanomaterials

A new and exiting study on FEBID growth parameters and the performance of Co3Fe MFM tips has been published. A great collaboration under the lead of Prof. H. Plank (TU Graz).  The paper is entitled: "Additive manufacturing of Co3Fe nano-cones for magnetic force microscopy"
Stay tuned, there is more in the pipeline.

1st March

Paper accepted: ACS Nano

Check out our paper marrying 3D-nanoprinting with CVD techniques. This demonstration should be a breakthrough for local modifications on 3D scaffolds.  It is always a pleasure to work with Fabrizio on challenging tasks. The paper is entitled: "Site-selective chemical vapor deposition on direct-write 3D nanoarchitectures".  

17th February

Paper accepted in Sensors and Actuators

Our joint study with Prof. A. Romano-Rodriguez related to nanowire networks has been accepted for publication. The paper is entitled: "Highly sensitive SnO2 nanowire network gas sensors".  
Tin oxide NWs have been grown on micromembranes and the impact of the surface percolation paths on the sensing performance has been evaluated.

6th February

Invited Seminar at TU Munich 

Sven gave a lecture on "Metal-Supported Growth of Metastable Ge-based Materials"  at the institute of inorganic chemistry.  It was a great pleasure to meet and discuss with fellow chemists targeting also interdisciplinay research from chemistry-focused approaches. Special thanks to Prof. Tom Nilges and his whole group.

4th February

Paper published in Nanomaterials

Our growth studies for SiGe NWs  combined with electrical characterization carried out in M. Sistani's lab at TU Wien was published in Nanomaterials.  The article is entitled: "Electrical and Structural Properties of Si1—xGex Nanowires Prepared from a Single-Source Precursor" and can be accessed here.

17th November

Call for Abstracts: EUROMAT   

Sven is a co-organizer of two sympossia at the EUROMAT 2023 in Frankfurt. Check out Sympossium A02: "Nanowires and Nanomaterials Growth"  and A4: "Charged Particle Induced Nanomaterials" and submit abstracts until January 31st.

07th November

Upcoming talks at University of Bremen and RWTH Aachen   

Sven will present recent advances of our group in the frame of GDCH seminars at University of Bremen.  
The week will commence with a talk in the electrical engineering department at RWTH Aachen focussing on FEBID/FEBID writing of new materials.

3rd October

Paper accepted for publication  in Inorganic Chemistry

Our  collaboration with Matthias Wagner's group at Goethe University yielded in the first joint paper . The article "Mixed substituted Single-Source Precursors for Si1-xGex Thin Film Deposition"  will be published in Inorganic Chemistry. An excellent start of a fuitful collaboration.

2nd October

12th Indo-German Frontiers of Engineering Symposium (Humboldt Foundation)   

Sven was invited to participate in the 12th Indo-German Frontiers of Engineering Symposium organized by the Humboldt Foundation. A few days with excellent talks from  different scientific background and exchange of ideas with colleagues from India and Germany in Bremen. A geart platform provided by the Humboldt Foundation!

28th September 2022

Talk at the 21st Conference on Inorganic Chemistry (GDCH)   

Sven gave a talk at the 21st Conference on Inorganic Chemistry, which is a joint meeting organised by the GDCh divisions of Inorganic Chemistry (Wöhler association) and Solid-State Chemistry & Materials Research (Festkörperchemie und Materialforschung). The talk  addessed the topic of new precursors for direct-write processes. The conferece venue was located in the beautiful city of  Marburg.

9th Septemer 2022

Paper accepted for publication in ACS Applied Nano Materials

Our  paper  "Focused Ion Beam vs. Focused Electron Beam Deposition of Cobalt Silicide Nanostructures using Single-Source Precursors: Implications for Nanoelectronic Gates, Interconnects, and Spintronics"    has been accepted for publication in ACS Appl. Nano Mater.. Congrats Felix to the thrid paper as first author.  

"EUROMAT 2023" in Frankfurt (03.-07.09.2023)   

Sven will be co-organiser of two sympossia at EUROMAT 2023.  The teams are almost complete and together we are confident that both sympossia will be a success. Deadlines, calls  etc. will be circulated in due time.  

15th July 2022

"FEBIP 2022" conference contributions   

Felix presented the comparison of FEBID and FEBID deposits using single source precursors at the 8th FEBIP workshop of the Focused-Electron-Beam-Induced-Processing.  In addition, Sven gave an invited talk  entitled "Precursors for direct-write nanofabrication with electrons" and highlighted our recent results complementing a general overview.  Many thanks to the organizers for their efforts to make FEBIP 2022 in Krakow a success.

1st July 2022

Nachrichten aus der Chemie: " Nanodruck mit Elektronenstrahlen"   

An introduction in the field of nano-printing by FEBID will be published in the July issue of Nachrichten aus der Chemie. The article can be accessed as a GDCH member here.

24th June 2022

Invited Seminar at TU Wien   

Sven will give an invited seminar in the solid state electronics department  at TU Wien.

The lecture will be entitled: "Molecule-based synthesis of inorganic Nanomaterials" and include FEBID  as well as current nanowire projects.

18th June 2022

Paper accepted for publication in Advanced Functional Materials

Congrats to our collaborator F. Porrati and all other co-authors. Our joint paper  "Highly-packed proximity-coupled DC Josephson junction arrays by a direct-write approach "   has been accepted for publication in Adv. Funct. Mater..  

16th-18th May 2022

Invited talk at Cost action meeting: MultiChem2022 

Sven will present some of our recent results at the COST MultiChem2022 meeting in Boppard. The talk will be entitled: "Bimetallic precursors in focused particle-based deposition: FEBID vs. FIBID".

12th May 2022

Institute Seminar: Lund University 

Sven will give a talk in the chemistry department of Lund University.
The presentation will be entitled: "Synthesis of Inorganic Nanomaterials under Non-Equilibrium Conditions"

Meeting: Nanowireweek 2022 

Great meeting and quite a few fruitful discussions. It shows that in person meetings have benefits.
Sven presented a poster on "Metastable Ge-based nanowire materials", which is a base of our collaboration with Masiar Sistani's group including Raphael Böckle.
Photo (left to right: Masiar, Raphael and Sven)


Paper published in Nanomaterials

Our paper entitled "Vanadium and Manganese Carbonyls as Precursors in Electron-Induced and Thermal Deposition Processes" has been published in MDPI's Nanomaterials.

Invited Talk at FEBID the conference in July

Sven will give an invited talk at the 8th FEBIP workshop of the Focused-Electron-Beam-Induced-Processing. The lecture is entitled "Precursors for direct-write nanofabrication with electrons" and addresses our recent results as well as a general overview. This is the most important meeting of this community and is being held every two years since 2006.  Looking forward to a great meeting at FEBIP 2022 in Krakow.


Invited Talk at ICACC conference

Sven gave an invited talk at the International Conference and Expo on Advanced Ceramics and Composites (ICACC). The contribution is entitled "Direct-Writing of Inorganic Nanostructures" and addressed FEBID and FIBID processes. Check out Focussed Session 3 in case you have registered for the conference.

Welcome 2022

We wish visitors of your website as well as our collaborators a successful 2022.

Stay tuned, there are a few papers in the pipeline.  Hence, we will be able to share a few exciting news with you in the near future.


Confirmation: New Project No.2

The DFG grants funding of a PhD project focused on " Synthesis and Transport Phenomena of Nanocale, Metastable Solid Solutions and the Formation of Functional Heterostructures".
The research consortium includes M. Sistani (TU Wien) and M. Huth (Goethe University Frankfurt) who will also work on the topic in the frame of our joint DACH project. More details will be shared in the near future.

In case you are interested in working on topic No.1 or No.2  as a PhD student, please contact S. Barth via email.


First Domino has fallen: New Project No.1

The DFG will fund a PhD  project focused on "Site-Selective Growth and Characterization of Nanocale Superconductors". We will distribute the call for applications soon.
The research will be carried out in close collaboration with M. Huth's group who will also work on this topic with an additional PhD. More details will be shared in the near future.


Paper published in Journal of  Applied Physics 

Our joint perspective paper entitled "Living up to its potential - Direct-write nanofabrication with focused electron beams" has been published in the Journal of Applied Physics.


Paper published in ACS Appl. Mater. Interf. 

Our paper entitled "Direct writing of cobalt silicide nanostructures using single-source precursors" has been pubished in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. New precursors have been tested for applications in FEBID and the electronic properties of the deposits have been determined.  Congrats to Felix on his first paper as first author!


Invited lecture at the NanoNet-Workshop 

Sven will give an invited talk at Nanonet-Workshop in Dresden. The talk is entitled  "Ge-based Nanowires with Metastable Composition: Hyper-Doping and Alloy Formation"

Lecture "Synthesis and Applications of Inorganic Nanomaterials"

The lecture will be held at Goethe University Frankfurt during the winter semester and is accompanied with exercices.
Students at GUF will find more information in the corresponding description published in OLAT

September 2021

EUROMAT 2021: Sympossium on Nanowires

We thank all contributors for their interest and the submission of abstracts. Symposium A3 on “Nanowires and Nanotubes: From Growth Phenomena to Devices” will be
 part of the  EUROMAT 2021 . The online event will take place as planned September 12-16, 2021.

 Check for  updates of the program:  

August 2021

New group member

Paula Metschan decided to join our group. Her master thesis will be focused on nanowire synthesis.  We are looking forward to exciting results in the near future.

18th May 2021

Research Highlight published  on our recent Nanotechnology paper

A reserach highlight related to our paper "Ge Quantum Wire Memristor" has been published on the advances in engineering webpage. The article can be downloaded here.

14th March 2021

Paper accepted for publication in Appl. Phys. Lett. 

A collaborative paper entitled "Spin-wave eigenmodes in direct-write 3D nanovolcanoes" has been accepted for publication in Applied Physics Letters. 
